a partner of iwood!
great interest in iwood panelshas prompted us to elaborate
a partnership proposal for all potential future producers. This
offer is aimed to companies with at least 10,000 m3
wooden waste material or by-products (saw dust, wood flour etc.).
The number of partnerships is limited to ten.
partnerships comprise cooperation in the development of the production
processes and the products. In exchange the partners get up-to-date
information about the progress in research, privileged access to
the first production lines, as well as the right to call themselves
partners of one of the most innovative companies within the wood
industry. Furthermore, iwood offers its partners space for a short
portrait on its own website. iwood will also mention its
partners in its own publications, at exhibitions and fairs.
iwood offers its partners a unique chance to present themselves
in a most innovative surrounding.
a partner: |
get in touch with Christoph Affentranger:
and his partners |
