release innovation wood (iwood), 13.2.2003
wood (iwood) receives Thursday 13 february 2003 at the Technopark
Zürich the Swiss Technology Award 2003.
Technology Award
Thanks to the Swiss Technology award iwood will participate
at the worlds biggest industry fair, the Hannover Messe 2003, which
takes place from 7 to 12 April 2003 in Hannover.
- The new wood based panels
innovation wood (iwood)
CH - 6340 Baar
least 200 million meters of cubic saw dust and wood flour per year
are to be obtained by sawing industrial rough timber. So far these
by-products could only be used for process heat. As a raw material
for the paper industry or for wood based panels like chipboards
the fibers of saw dust and wood flour are missing the needed strength.
swiss startup company innovation wood (iwood for short) is
founded on the idea of developing a marketable, new, biotechnological
process for the production of environmentally friendly and affordable
panels for the furniture and building industries. Panels and mouldings
are produced from sawdust and wood flour through a process where
microorganisms (mainly yeast) are used to release the wood starch
in the wood and convert it into a foamed wood paste comparable to
bread dough. The wood paste is then dried, resulting in a hard material
(like crackers or crispbread) with properties comparable to chipboard
and similar products.
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iwood-panel as a material weighs half as much as current
conventional materials (250 - 300 kg/m3) and can easily
be grinded, sawed, planed, drilled, screwed and glued with common
tools. The iwood panel is an engineered wood product for many uses
in the furniture and the wood building industry, easily to work
with, porous, with good mechanical properties and lightweight, cheap
and ecological in production and use, made of saw dust and wood
flour, the biggest amount of wasteproducts in the wood industry.
The company innovation wood received so far the W.A. de Vigier Foundation
Award 2002 and the Wall Street Journal Europe Innovation Award 2002
as Runner-Up.
Christoph Affentranger
innovation wood (iwood)
Bahnhofstrasse 9a
CH - 6340 Baar
p ++41 (0)41 760 90 80
f ++41 (0)41 760 90 81
and Awards
- Swiss Fund for Forest and Timber Research, a Fund within BUWAL:
Basic research, technical values
- W. A. de Vigier Foundation Award 2002
- Wall Street Journal Europe Innovation Award 2002
- Federal Commission for Technology and Innovation: CTI-Research
project. Coaching supported by the CTI Startup! network
Partnerships of innovation wood (iwood)
- SH Holz Biel, Swiss School of Engineering for the Wood Industry
- ETH Zürich, Food Science Institute of the Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology
- FA Wädenswil, Research Center Wädenswil
of innovation wood (iwood)
- BSZ Foundation, Seewen SZ, Switzerland
- Topakustik: n'H Akustik + Design AG, Lungern, Switzerland
of press release
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