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4th to 5th December 2002:
iwood joins
the "Wall Street Journal Europes Third Annual European
Entrepreneurship Summit"
the 4th and 5th of December 2002 the "Wall Street Journal Europes
Third Annual European Entrepreneurship Summit" took place in
Paris, hotel Concorde La Fayette. As winner of the "Wall Street
Journal Europe innovation award 2002" iwood was invited
to participate. On top, Christop Affentranger, founder and CEO of
iwood, participated at a panel called "Case study:
Meet the Innovators".

9 December 2002: "Montagskolloquien Holzwissenschaft"
the occasion of a series of colloquia on wood science, organised
by the chair of wood sience of the ETH Zürich, titeled "The
ecological building material wood - Modern materials and products
on the basis of wood" Christoph Affentranger, CEO iwood,
holded a lecture: "SLP - Starchbound Low-density wood-based
Panel". All the lectures holded will be published in may by
the chair for wood sience.

22 November 2002: iwood awarded among Europes leading
receives the Wall Street Journal Europe Innovation Award 2002 as
Runner-Up. The company innovation wood (iwood), domiciled
in Baar (Switzerland), received the Wall Street Journal Europe Innovation
Award 2002 as on of the leading startup company in Europe. Nearly
190 companies from all Europe participated, iwood came off
as runner up of the Material / Base Technologies category. The award
is assigned yearly by a prominently manned jury and comprises a
detailed presentation of the company in Wall Street Journal Europe
(this year in the edition of 22 November 2002), as well as an invitation
to the Wall Street Journal Europe's Third Annual European Entrepreneurship
Summit taking place in Paris on 4 and 5 December this year. On this
occasion, Christoph Affentranger will represent iwood in
a discussion of leading young enterpreneurs in Europe, which will
boost iwood's recognition in Europe and strengthen its position
in the search for investors and venture capital.
to article |
to press release |

15 November 2002: iwood active role in automatic wood combustion
15 November SH Holz holded its third wood combustion seminar in
Biel. The seminar featured several short lectures on topics related
to generating energy from wood. iwood got the chance to present
SLP to over 150 participants of this seminar from all Switzerland.

27 October 2002: Homepage of iwood completely up-dated
homepage of iwood was completely up-dated and is now also
available in English and the summary additionally in French.

25 September 2002, 19:00 Uhr: iwood at the Erfinder- und
Patentinhaberverband der Schweiz EVS Zürich (Swiss union of
inventors and patent holders)
speech "Ökologisch und wirtschaftlich attraktiv: Die SLP-Platte
von iwood" (Environmentally friendly and economical:
The SLP board of iwood) by Christoph Affentranger, CEO iwood,
met the interest of a big audience at the Hotel Allegra in Kloten.

20/21 September 2002:
as partner at the SH Holz Biel
competence centre for the wood industry celebrated: The Swiss College
of Timber Management, SH Holz Biel, turns 50. On this occasion the
school and the research centre opened their doors to the public
on 20 and 21 September. Over 600 visitors took the chance to talk
with students and members of the staff and to learn about the various
activities at the SH Holz Biel. iwood was the only company to join
this event.

23 August 2002: Research project gets support from CTI
decision of the Swiss Confederation, iwood's interdisciplinary
research project was funded over CHF 500'000 from the CTI (Federal
Commission for Technology and Innovation) programme. The research
project is designed to confirm the commercial feasibility and the
properties of the product on an industrial scale, as well as to
provide scientific support in the construction of the pilot plant
and the planning of the first industrial plant. The money is due
to pay the research partners of iwood.

29 Juli 2002: iwood granted Coaching Acceptance
of the CTI start-up programme
reaches the first level of the Federal CTI start-up programme which
provides young companies with professional advisers and support
by experts of the Federal Commission for Technology and Innovation
in the future.

19 June 2002: Prize ceremony of the W.A. de Vigier Foundation
wood (iwood) on 19 June received the W.A. de Vigier Foundation
prize. See also www.devigier.ch.
19 June 2002: At this years prize ceremony of the W.A. de Vigier
Foundation under the conduction of Crossair founder Moritz Suter,
chairman of the foundation, three start-up entrepreneurs (among
theme Christoph Affentranger, founder of iwood) were awarded for
their excellent projects in the fields of quantum mechanics, biotechnology
and electronics. The prize was CHF 100,000 each.
to press release (in German) |

19 June 2002: First iwood summer night party
Hofstetter and Christoph Affentranger, co-founders of iwood, welcome
over 60 friends and supporters of iwood at iwoods first summer
night party at the Galvanik in Zug. Celebrating the W.A. de Vigier
prize, beer, wine and barbecue and the opportunity to test the first
prototypes of iwood products made a pleasant evening.

15 June 2002: New address
wood (iwood) - Bahnhofstrasse 9, CH-6340 Baar, Switzerland
phone ++41 (0)41 760 9080
fax ++41 (0)41 760 9081

1 Januar 2002: iwood becomes operational
Affentranger starts working as the CEO of iwood. The further
development of the business plan at first prevailed over his other

to year 2001 |
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